How to get rid of skin tags on face

Although they are only a cosmetic issue, facial skin tags can affect one’s self-image. With an unaesthetic appearance and hanging off the body, these harmless growths of skin need serious makeup skills to conceal them. Nevertheless, hiding skin tags isn’t convenient nor a long-term solution. What is the best treatment for it? Learn everything you need to know about getting rid of skin tags on face.

Skin tags: the good, the bad and the ugly

You probably already know how to recognize a skin tag. Measuring from several millimeters to a few centimeters, the flaps of skin – also known as acrochordons, soft fibromas, cutaneous papillomas, or fibroepithelial polyp – can appear almost everywhere on the body. Why and how do skin tags form? The answer is simple: because of friction. Therefore, if you frequently wear jewelry, clothes, or other items, and your skin rubs against skin, chances are you will get skin tags.

What is a skin tag

The good news? They are benign growths of skin that are not contagious. You can treat and eliminate them safely in the comfort of your home. In most of the cases, skin tags do not cause pain. However, these unsightly growths are less of a concern to our wellness than to our vanity. Thus, we cannot simply ignore them.

What is the bad side? Skin tags are often mistaken for warts or moles; hence, they are treated with inappropriate or downright damaging solutions. That’s why you should visit your general practitioner whenever you notice the appearance of a lump on your face or body. Only after getting the right diagnosis you can proceed and treat it accordingly.

The ugly truth is that this unsightly condition can appear under the eye, on the eyelids, on the neck, and basically all over the face and body. Plus, the soft fibromas arise in adulthood and escalate as we age. In other words, they tend to increase in prevalence up to age 50-60, when the skin loses its firmness, and more folds crease our body. Even though removing a skin tag will not cause more to grow, numerous people are still afraid of visiting their doctor when they detect a small bump on their skin.

How to remove facial skin tags in a doctor’s office

The physical inspection alone is enough to diagnose the skin condition. Because skin tag removal is regarded as a cosmetic issue, the surgical procedure is rarely covered by health insurances. However, the dermatologist will explain to you the treatment options and discuss with you the advantages and disadvantages of each skin tag removal procedure. The most commonly recommended solutions are:

  • Cryotherapy – because freezing skin tags with liquid nitrogen is fast and effective. Though, cryotherapy involves a certain degree of pain and results in a slight stinging sensation. Then, the soft fibroma will not disappear immediately – it will take 1-2 weeks until it will fall off. Although OTC products with liquid nitrogen are available on the market, you are advised to freeze your skin tags with the assistance of your doctor.
  • Local surgery – your GP will first numb the skin before cutting the acrochordons off with a scalpel. Depending on the size and location, the removal of skin tags can trigger bleeding, pain, and other side effects. Plus, if you do not take care of the wound, infection and scarring can occur. Remember that the cutaneous papillomas have blood vessels, so cutting or tearing them at home is risky.
  • Cauterization – or burning the skin tag – is performed by dermatologists using electric current. The layers of the skin are burnt off, a scab forms, and the epidermis gets a slightly different color. In many cases, the laser treatment for skin tag removal provides successful results and very few adverse effects.
  • Ligation – implies the tying of the soft fibromas. The purpose is to cut off the blood supply that feeds the skin tag. It takes approximately one week to work, but it is relatively painless and easy to perform. Again, you shouldn’t do this at home, since it can lead to an infection. Instead, you could try over-the-counter products or, even better, home remedies to remove the facial skin tags.

Over-the-counter products for skin tags

Products for skin tagsChoose this method only if you are 100% certain it is a skin tag. Drug stores, groceries, and online shops provide a wide variety of supplements, homeopathic products, and natural solutions that are claimed to eliminate skin tags. So, how to choose the best skin tag treatment? First of all, read the product’s label carefully and find whether it can be used on the sensitive facial skin.

What does it contain? Well, the most commonly used ingredients in OTC products for skin tags include Trichloroacetic Acid (TCA), Tea Tree Oil (extracted from Melaleuca Alternifolia), Zinc Chloride, Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis), Salicylic Acid, and even Apple Cider Vinegar. When it comes to skin tags on face, you shouldn’t choose an OTC treatment that has fast-acting chemical components.

Yes, the unpleasant growth of skin will not go away overnight. Look at the bright side! The skin tag will disappear safely, without leaving any scars behind. Our recommendation? Before spending a fortune on over-the-counter products or surgery, try some natural remedies to get rid of acrochordons.

What are the best home remedies for skin tags on the face?

Build your defense against skin tags using natural methods. Why? They are easy to use, efficient, and, in most of the cases, affordable. Although home remedies need time and patience to work, they are safe and do not cause any pain or discomfort. Here’s what you should use to eliminate skin tags:

Home remedies for skin tags

  • Tea tree oil – is included in a myriad of creams, ointments, and solutions that target soft fibromas and other skin growths. The best way to use it is in the purest form. Get a bottle of 100% natural and organic tea tree oil – 60ml should cost between $10 and $20 – and soak a cotton ball in the essential oil before applying it to the skin tag on face. Avoid getting it into the eyes or ingesting it, since it is toxic. Furthermore, if you are allergic to tea tree oil, you must stop using it as a skin tag treatment.
  • Apple cider vinegar – is relatively cheap and can be used successfully on skin tags around the eyes. It doesn’t have to be the most expensive bottle of organic ACV, as long as you follow the instructions carefully: wash and dry the skin carefully, then apply a small cotton ball with apple cider vinegar and secure it with a band-aid. Keep it overnight, then replace the cotton ball with a new one and use it on the cleaned skin. The bad side? It might take up to several weeks to work. The good side? Apple cider vinegar is safe to use on the most sensitive skin of the body – including the eyelids and under the eyes.
  • Garlic – boosts the immune reaction, has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects, and dries out soft papillomas naturally. It is one of the most affordable ways to get rid of skin tags on face. How to use it? Take a fresh garlic clove and cut it into thin slices. Place one on the acrochordon, wrap it with duct tape, and fix it thoroughly. Repeat daily and, in about one week, you’ll see the positive results. If you think that cutting a garlic clove is bothersome, you should use plain garlic oil from the drugstore. It doesn’t have an attractive smell, but it will get you rid of your unaesthetic problem.
  • Oil of oregano – works similarly to the other essential oils. However, you are advised to dilute it in a carrier oil (olive oil, jojoba oil, or coconut oil) before applying it on the face. After approximately 7-10 days of treatment, the oil of oregano will help you to eliminate skin tags safely, in the comfort of your home.
  • Baking soda and castor oil – the mixture releases hydrogens ions in the skin, dehydrates the layers of the acrochordon, and trigger its fall. Combine 1 teaspoon of castor oil with 1 teaspoon of baking soda and mix until you obtain a consistent paste. Spread it on the facial skin tag and let it overnight, to penetrate the epidermis. Repeat for 2-3 times a day, if possible, and in a few days the skin flap will peel off.
  • Vitamin E oil – buy a bottle of pure Vitamin E oil from any drugstore and apply a few drops on the tag several times a day. Vitamin E fights against what causes skin tags and improves the skin health naturally. Plus, it also minimizes scars and moisturizes the skin while not giving any adverse effects.
  • Salicylic Acid – is a potent ingredient that can be used on almost any growths of skin, including warts and moles. Added to the composition of Wartrol and other over-the-counter products, Salicylic Acid works by softening and dissolving keratin, which is the protein that keeps the skin cells together. In only a few days of treatment with the natural acid, the acrochordons will fall off the face without leaving any marks behind.

Our final thoughts on skin tag removal at home

Getting rid of facial skin tags at home is easy, fast, and affordable. Just like the medical-recommended treatments, natural options do not guarantee that your skin will remain clear and smooth. Despite the fact you cannot prevent the occurrence of acrochordons, you can certainly learn how to keep them under control. Always discuss with your doctor before taking a medicine or health supplement and put into balance the pros and cons of using any skin tag remover on the face. Remember that the results will not appear overnight, so repeat applying it until the acrochordons fall off!