The best heat rash remedies

Summer is the time for enjoying oneself, but it can just as well be the time of health inconveniences, caused by the exposure to high temperatures. One downside of the hot weather is the heat rash, a common skin disorder among adults, children, especially babies, caused by the glands inability to release the sweat properly.

The heat rash is uncomfortable because you will experience skin irritation, itching, sometimes pains and infections. If you notice signs of heat rash on your skin, you have to identify and apply the best heat rash treatment quickly to stop the disease getting serious.


From natural remedies to lotions for heat rash mild forms and antibiotics for serious complications, there is a wide range of treatments you can try out to remove symptoms and befriend summer heat again. And, because prevention is often the best way to stay healthy, discover our useful tips for being on the safe side when the temperatures go to the upper extremes.

  1. What is heat rash?
  2. Causes
  3. Heat rash symptoms
  4. Types of heat rash
  5. Disorders with similar symptoms
  6. What does a heat rash look like?
  7. Baby heat rash
  8. Heat rash in adults
  9. Heat rash remedies
  10. How to avoid heat rash?
  11. What’s the best heat rash treatment for you?

What is heat rash?

Heat rash, also called prickly heat or miliaria, is a skin disorder caused by our skin pores getting blocked and making the release of the sweat difficult. Instead of going on the surface of the skin, the excess of sweat remains in the skin tissue and leads to skin swelling. The aspect of the skin with heat rash varies, depending on the depth of the skin tissue affected, from red spots to severe purulent plagues.

Heat rash has a higher occurrence rate in regions with humid tropical climate. People from areas with different cooler climate are likely to start developing heat rash symptoms in the first 2-5 days of being exposed to higher temperatures. It is important for them to take all the prevention measures and, in case the heat rash installs, take the necessary first steps for soothing symptoms.

We tend to ignore the actions to protect against heat, although they are basic and require a minimum effort. From 2001 to 2010, there were approximately 28,000 hospitalizations caused by heat-related disorders, according to data gathered in 20 States of America[1]. There were 50% more men than women who required hospitalization for poorly managing heat effects on their health, and between 1999 and 2010, over 7,000 people died in U.S because of the heat[2].

Heat rash counts for one of the disorders generated by heat, often taken into account only when the discomfort is unbearable or the skin aspect becomes anesthetic. Heat rash feels and looks like many other skin disorders, which can lead to confusion and misdiagnoses. That’s why it is important to learn more about the heat rash causes, its symptoms, and the best remedies.

What is causing heat rash?

The human body has, in general, the capacity to defend itself against heat and keep its temperature at a 37º C constant value. There is a real communication chain between various parts of our body that helps the body control its temperature: the skin receptors send to the hypothalamus in our brain signals that temperature is higher than the normal 37º C value. The hypothalamus triggers the effectors in our skin like sweat glands to take action and keep the temperature constant.


Evaporation of sweat is one of the body’s mechanisms to cool down the temperature. If the sweat gland fails to function properly, skin tissue becomes impregnated with secretions supposed to be released and gets irritated.

The factors that lead to a faulty functioning of the sweat glands and the boom of the heat rash signs on our skin are diverse:

  • Skin rubbing is the most common trigger. Heat rash develops mostly on parts of your body less exposed to the air because of the skin on skin contact. The body areas most frequently affected are the inner thighs, the zones under the arms, the groin.
  • Under-developed sweat glands. It’s the case of babies whose sweat glands are not fully developed and often fail to release sweat.
  • Wearing tight clothing strangles glands and don’t allow them to work properly.
  • Over-dressing will also trigger heat rash by stimulating the sweat secretions and adding an overload on the gland, which may fail to release them in due time to avoid skin irritation.
  • Heavy skin moistures can clog the sweat glands and disrupt its normal mechanisms.
  • Long exposure to high temperatures and the sun.
  • Poor skin hygiene, combined with exposure to heat, increases the risk of developing heat rash and can lead to severe infections.
  • Medicines side-effects. Some drugs used in the treatment of Parkinson disease can block the perspiration, while medicines from the psychotropics category impact brain functions and lead to the increase of the body temperature, exposing patients to a higher risk of heat rash. Tranquilizers and diuretics also increase the risk of heat rash occurrence.

Heat rash symptoms


The symptoms can vary significantly from one individual to another depending on the area affected, the type of heat rash and its severeness, but also the type of skin.

The most common symptoms include:

  • blisters on the skin, which can be superficial dry blister to red, inflamed bumps;
  • itchiness;
  • burning sensation;
  • pinching sensation.

Sometimes, the heat rash can get infected, and symptoms are more severe, requiring immediate medical care. See your doctor if, following exposure to heat, you experience besides skin rash, also:

  • pain or increased discomfort in the irritated area;
  • swelling;
  • intense burning sensation in the affected area;
  • purulent drainage from the blisters;
  • hardened painful nodules on the skin;
  • fever;
  • chills.

The areas of the body most likely to be affected by the heat rash are:

  • Areas where skin friction occurs: groin, under the breasts, armpits and any other skin folds on the body, depending on each physiognomy;
  • Parts of the body exposed to the sun: hands, face, neck, legs;
  • Parts of the body covered and stretched by tight clothing or accessories: neck, hand ankles, chest, groins.

Types of heat rash

The symptoms of the heat rash differ depending on the kind of heat rash you are suffering from. There are four types of heat rash, each of them with its particular symptoms and severeness degree:

Miliaria Crystallina

It is the mildest form of heat rash, occurring in the superficial layer of the skin. You recognize it by blisters that look like beans filled with clear fluid. These blisters break easily and cause a minimal discomfort. It is the form of heat rash that often affects babies.

Miliaria Rubra or Prickly Heat Rash

It is the most common form of heat rash among adults. The blocking of the sweat glands leads to the emergence of red bumps on the skin. Symptoms include also itching and burning sensations in the affected skin areas, that is why it is also called prickly heat rash.

Miliaria Pustulosa

Miliaria blisters

When pustules develop over the red blisters, this is a sign that your heat rash is infected and requires medical assistance. Specialists call this phase of the heat rash miliaria pustulosa and see it as a transition to the most severe miliaria form. Intervening in this phase with antibiotics can help you stop the evolution towards more complicated forms of heat rash.

Miliaria Profunda

It is the most severe form that occurs at a deeper level of the skin, into the papillary dermis. In miliaria profunda, red hard bumps develop on the skin. They are causing significant discomfort and pain and are very likely to be infected. You must urgently seek medical advice and start the treatment to soothe symptoms as soon as possible and severe skin damage.

Disorders with similar symptoms

In heat rash, especially in mild forms, you may misinterpret symptoms and think you are affected by other disorders.

Several diseases affect the skin and your health state in a similar way as heat rash:


When heat rash affects babies, it’s very easy to be taken as childhood disorders with very similar symptoms like chickenpox or measles. Unlike heat rash which is non-contagious and rarely puts life in danger, Chickenpox is a viral disease, caused by varicella-zoster virus. One important particularity of the chickenpox is that it is associated with fever, feeling sick, muscles pain and headaches a few days before the blisters erupt.

In heat rash, the fever appears at a late stage, after the eruption of the blisters and it is a sign that the condition gets serious and that the patient’s rash is already infected.


For 2-5 years old children, heat rash symptoms may get you into thinking they have impetigo, a skin bacterial infection that also leads to red itchy bumps on the skin. The difference is that in impetigo, the blisters break more quickly and leave yellowish to brown signs on the skin, something that rarely happens in heat rash, where the reddish color and the swelling persist for a few days.


Just like heat rash, eczema is also a common skin disorder in babies and young children. Both diseases lead to red spots eruption on the same body parts: face, arms, legs, back, tummy.

The main difference between eczema and heat rash is the cause. Unlike heat rash, caused by the baby’s sweat glands being not mature enough to soothe discomfort in conditions of high temperatures, the eczema is caused by external agents: detergents used in washing baby’s clothing, dust, too aggressive soap.

A doctor and some additional tests play a key role in correctly identifying the cause of the baby’s skin problems and helping the baby regain comfort.

Cradle cap

The cradle cap consists of some yellowish patches developing on the baby’s scalp, most often, and sometimes behind the ears, on the neck or the face. What sets the cradle cap apart from the heat rash is the yellow color, the inexistence of bumps or blisters and the lack of the itchiness.

Meningitis rash

A red blotchy rash on the face or the hands may be misleading parents into thinking that their child has only a heat rash or eczema. If the child also has a high fever, cold hands, and feet, is sleepy or has a starring expression and the skin around the lips is blueish, it is vital to take him to the closest hospital because these are all meningitis symptoms. The rash installs as an advanced stage of meningitis, that’s why it shouldn’t be overlooked and mistaken for a typical skin rash.


In adults, heat rash symptoms are similar to acne, especially when the affected area is the face. Just like heat rash, acne can affect various parts of the body and has diverse aspects, depending on the cause. Most likely, if you are suffering from acne, you will be dealing with it in the long-term, not just during the hot days and it is recommended to ask for a dermatologist’s help to treat it correctly.


Both folliculitis and heat rash lead to the eruption of bumps on the skin. What differentiates the two disorders is, first of all, that folliculitis appears on skin areas where there is hair. Heat rash can appear anywhere on the skin, where the sweat got blocked in the skin tissue instead of coming out on the surface. Folliculitis can be caused by a fungal infection or by the skin inflammation after shaving and most often, the bumps will release some liquid. Folliculitis is less likely to result in itching, and the discomfort is easier to tolerate than the heat rash itching.

What does a heat rash look like?

If you are affected by mild to moderate forms of heat rash, your skin will be covered by white blisters filled with liquids or red spots that don’t cause you great discomfort. As a result of prolonged exposure to sun or heat or poor hygiene, these harmless blisters can become inflamed or purulent. When this happens, you will see pustules on top of the affected area and the discomfort increases by itching and burning.

If you ignore the first symptoms, it is just a matter of time to see your skin infected. In case this happens, the red blisters will look and feel more like painful nodules, or they will release pus.

Heat rash symptoms are both uncomfortable and anesthetic and require you to limit exposure to the sun, cool down your body and care for the affected skin area.

Baby heat rash

Kids rash symptom

It is harder for babies to deal with high temperatures than it is for older children or adults because their sweat glands are not fully developed. Part of the sweat will remain under their skin and lead to the eruption of blisters. It is one of the parents’ temptations to overdress the babies so that they don’t catch a cold, even during the hot summer days, but before you do that remember that babies are more limited in fighting heat than you are. So don’t dress a baby with more clothing layers than you would wear yourself during hot days.

The parts of the babies skin most affected by heat rash are the neck, the back, armpits, groin, and chest.

The good news is that, although it happens frequently, baby heat rash is also mild and can be easily treated with a few common sense measures and a little help from the pediatrician.

What to do if your baby has heat rash?

  • Cool his body temperature with a gentle bath;
  • Clean the affected area with a mild baby soap;
  • Expose his skin to air as much as possible, even leave the baby uncovered by clothes when indoor;
  • Protect the baby from the sun;
  • Make sure clothing is not tight and it is made of natural fabrics;
  • Consult the pediatrician for recommending you a soothing cream if you notice that the baby scratches the affected area;
  • Don’t medicate your baby on your own and discuss with the doctor any skin treatment;
  • Keep the baby in a cool and dry environment.

When to consult a pediatrician?

When it comes to babies, it is always a good idea to see a doctor before treatment. Some lotions or creams may be too much for the babies’ sensitive skin and worsen their condition, instead of comforting them. Seek medical advice also if you notice infections signs on the skin like white pustules, reddish color, and warmth around the area covered by blisters or if the baby has a fever.

Heat rash in adults

Anyone who ignores medical advice on how to deal with high temperatures can find himself one day covered by red blisters in various parts of the body. There are, however, some categories of people more vulnerable, with increased risks of being affected by heat rash because of their physical condition, their living conditions or their job.

The categories with the highest heat rash risk are:

  • Overweight people. Fat builds up around your body in extra skin folds and increases the skin surface that rubs against another skin surface. That’s why, if you overweight, you have more parts of your bodies prone to friction and the eruption of heat rash.
  • Sick, bedridden people. Staying in bed will not allow parts of their body to be exposed to air enough for the skin to regenerate. Bedridden people are likely to have their back affected by heat rash.
  • Outdoor workers are also vulnerable category because they spend more time under the sun, that’s why they must take extra measures for preventing heat rash.
  • People that have an increased production of sweat or have sweat glands congenital disorders. If you are in such a situation, you have to consult an endocrinologist who will help you treat the cause. One of the sweat glands disorders that may lead to heat rash is the hyperhidrosis, an abnormal increase of the sweat quantity.
  • Army workers, especially those appointed to hot climate regions, will be exposed to a higher risk of heat rash because they wear outfits that cover most of their bodies, made of fabrics that don’t allow enough air to get to their skin. According to a study published in 2011, flame resistant clothing worn by army combat workers in hot, arid climates can lead to moderate to severe forms of skin rash[3].

Heat rash remedies

Rash cream

Depending on how severe your heat rash is, you can choose from homemade or natural remedies (for mild forms) or apply medical treatments, under your doctor’s supervision, when the itching and the pain have installed, and you feel a permanent discomfort. How bad and inflamed your heat rash looks is also an indicator of what type of treatment you have to go for.

Do-it-yourself heat rash remedies

If you have just noticed the strange little bumps on your skin, you can take some measures quickly right at home, and you will most likely see improvements in no more than 2-3 days.

  • Take a shower to cool the skin.
  • Clean the area of your body affected by the heat rash with a gentle soap.
  • Apply cool water pads on the affected area to soothe the itching or burning sensation.
  • Uncover as much as possible the affected area
  • Avoid skin friction. If the blisters eruption is between two folds of skin, take measures to limit contact between them. For instance, if the heat rash has erupted under the breasts in women, it’s necessary for them to wear a tube top. If the inner thighs have been affected by heat rash, wear pants to prevent skin contact.
  • Wear natural fabrics clothing: cotton, natural silk are the most indicated because they allow your skin to breathe, even if they cover it.

After applying these common sense measures, you should already see some improvements in the heat rash symptoms. If this doesn’t happen, upgrade your treatment with natural or medical lotions and seek the help of a doctor.

Natural remedies

Many plants have a soothing and healing effect on the skin. The advantage of the natural heat rash treatments is that they have very few to none side-effects. The only disadvantage in using them may be their limited effectiveness in treating severe forms of heat rash.

Try natural remedies, as they can do wonders with your skin, but in case they fail to soothe your heat rash symptoms, seek medical advice to complete or replace your treatment.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera

It is well-known for its stimulating and regenerative effect on our skin. You can use aloe vera extracts, oils, tinctures or only take an aloe leaf, rub it between your fingers and apply it on the parts of your body affected by the heat rash. Aloe vera will help you overcome the itches caused by the heat rash.

Lavender oil

The lavender has a cooling effect on the skin. You can use lavender oil mixed with water and apply the resulting potion on the damaged skin. Another solution is to add a few drops of lavender oil in the bath tub.


Unlike the other plants which are meant for external use, nettles can be consumed as juice or soup for its antihistaminic properties. The nettles can help you improve itching symptoms.

Peppermint oil

It can be used for its cooling effect. A few drops of peppermint oil in your bath tub will calm the itching and help you regain skin comfort.


The creams based on chickweed extract have soothing effects and is recommended as an alternative to other creams for people with ultra-sensitive skin. It can help you alleviate heat rash symptoms, in case you have limitations in using other lotions and creams.

Fuller’s Earth

It is used in treating various skin disorders including heat rash because of its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. The Fuller’s Earth is usually available as a powder, which makes it very easy to apply directly on the skin affected by the heat rash.


  1. Mix 5 tablespoons of Fuller’s Earth with 3 tablespoons of water until you obtain a homogenous paste;
  2. Apply the paste on the parts of your body where you have heat rash eruptions;
  3. Let it on the skin for about 15 minutes, until it will dry;
  4. Wash it off with cold water.

For optimal results, repeat this treatment at least three times a day.

Margosa leaves


Also known as neem and for the great antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties they have, the margosa leaves can also be applied directly to the skin.


  1. Boil a few Margosa leaves in ½ l of water for 20 minutes;
  2. Let the infusion cool down;
  3. Dip some pads in the Margosa leaves infusion and put them on the skin.

You can apply Margosa leaves infusion on your skin a few times a day, for an effective soothing of your skin and for removing the infection risk.


If you put sandalwood powder on the skin affected by heat rash, you will most likely see the swelling go away after applying the remedy for a few days. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, the sandalwood powder will help you stop the evolution of the heat rash towards more severe forms.

Yellow dock

The yellow dock has cleansing properties and is used as the main ingredient in various creams and tinctures efficient in treating heat rash symptoms. You can also use the plant itself and prepare an infusion, then apply it directly on the skin.

Traditional medicine treatments for heat rash

The heat rash symptoms should improve if you keep your body cool, hydrated and the affected parts clean and exposed to the air. There are cases though when symptoms don’t improve with these measures, or you don’t apply them correctly, and the discomfort caused by heat rash affects your day-by-day life. This is the moment to seek medical advice for treating your heat rash.

Your doctor will prescribe remedies to help you reduce inflammation or pain and remove or decrease the risk of infections.

Over the counter treatments

The most efficient treatments for heat rash for which you don’t need a doctor prescription are:

Calamine lotion

It is useful in calming the itching in adults. For babies suffering from heat rash, calamine lotion may be risky, so under no circumstance apply it on baby skin before the pediatrician’s examination.

Steroids cream

The steroids help reduce the inflammation. Hydrocortisone 1% creams can be purchased over the counter and will provide you quick relief from the most cumbersome symptoms of heat rash.

Avoid applying steroids creams on your face and use it with maximum caution on babies skin, even when the doctor prescribes it. Use it in small quantities and monitor any change on the baby skin following the treatment with steroids cream.

Anhydrous lanolin moistures

The anhydrous lanolin ingredient prevents the sweat ducts from being blocked and helps the skin fight against the eruption of new blisters. The anhydrous lanolin is a natural chemical derived from the sheep wool. People who know themselves allergic to wool must avoid using it. If symptoms don’t seem to get better after applying anhydrous lanolin moisture on your skin, on the contrary itching persists and the skin looks bad, chances are you are allergic to this ingredient, and you must discuss with your doctor about a replacement in your treatment plan.

Thermal water

Properties of thermal water

The thermal spring water is a pharma product available over the counter with a soothing effect on the skin. They can be successfully used in the treatment of the mild heat rash forms, but also for preventing it.

Antihistamine drugs

You can discuss with the pharmacist on the best antihistamine drugs to take depending on the severity of the itching. Antihistamine drugs will help relieve the stress caused by itching.

Pay attention though to the side-effects of the antihistamines like somnolence leading to the interdiction of driving vehicles and assess together with a specialist (pharmacist or doctor) if antihistamines are the best solution for you or if you can choose a topical cream or some other natural remedies.

Powder talc mixture

The powder talc mixture offers protection against bacterias and diminishes the risk of infection thanks to its ingredients: drying milk protein, labilin, and triclosan.

Menthol mixture

It has an instant cooling effect, and it is very helpful in fighting the itching and burning sensations that install along with the other symptoms of the heat rash.

Treatment of severe heat rash

When the infection is already there or when the skin affected by the heat rash has a worrying aspect including purulent secretion or the existence of reddish nodules in the deeper layers of the dermis, your doctor may prescribe you antibiotics.

The use of antibiotics in the long term can complicate things just because they may lead to allergic reactions. Penicillin is one of the antibiotics that often cause allergic reactions. On the other hand, in severe forms of heat rash, when the skin is already infected, antibiotics are crucial for healing.

Doctor check

In case you become allergic, you have to report side-effects to your doctor and discuss a possible replacement for drugs with creams or lotions containing antibiotics.

The more you ignore the heat rash symptoms, the more complicated it becomes to soothe them. That’s why, when you notice changes in your skin, it is crucial to take the first steps for cooling, cleaning and aerating your skin.

Homeopathic remedies for heat rash

You can consult a homeopath if you have already been dealing with heat rash for some time and you are looking for a holistic approach to your problem. Homeopathic remedies are also a good alternative when the contraindications or side-effects make it difficult for you to take prescribed drugs or use the recommended creams.

Here are some of the most efficient homeopathic heat rash treatments:


It has been used to soothe itching and burning symptoms. Patients under treatment with sulphur reported symptoms to worsen during the night, most probably because of the body temperature increase. Aversion to water which seems to be a factor that aggravates the heat rash condition is another characteristic of patients who have responded well to sulphur treatment.

Natrum mur

It is effective when you have a fever or when the itching and prickling become more uncomfortable after intense physical activity or exposure to the sun. Natrum mur is recommended for all types of heat rash.


When fluids leak from the heat rash blisters, Graphites can effectively improve skin condition. Blisters that may contain and release fluids are likely to appear behind your ears, on the eyelids or the head.


Using Aconite is recommended especially for babies and young children who have red eruptions on their skin and a hard time in stopping to scratch them. The discomfort may increase during the night, and the child feels relief in the open air. The need to intake a lot of liquids as a sign of dehydration is also a symptom that calls for the use of Aconite.

Apis Mellifica

You can try Apis Mellifica when you feel burning, and prickling sensations and switching to a cool environment seems the only way to get relief from the heat rash symptoms. Apis Mellifica works well for sensitive skin and for removing the heat rash red spots on the skin.

How to avoid heat rash?

Heat protection

Except for the cases when you have some health disorders that make it difficult to keep the amount of sweat under control, heat rash can be avoided by making the healthy lifestyle choices.

Prevention instructions

Avoid being outdoors when the temperature goes crazy

As tempting is it may be to go for a walk in the park during the hot summer days, you have to avoid heat as the first step in protecting yourself from heat rash.

Protect yourself from the sun

Hanging around the pool with a cocktail in your hand sounds a good idea, but remember that when temperatures go high, the sun becomes your enemy. Don’t expose your body to the sun between 11.00 AM and 18.00 PM and even outside this time intervals, try to protect the sensitive parts of your body. Wear sunscreen and cover your head with a cap or a hat when going outside, during the summer. People with extra-sensitive skin should also beware of leaving their arms and legs uncovered.

Keep fit

Overweight is one of the factors that tilt the scales in the heat rash’s favor. Get rid of those extra skin layers that rub against each other on your abdomen or thighs and are likely to make you wake up one day full of little red bumps.

Keep sweat away from your skin while you’re exercising

There is a good reason why sports clothing is made of synthetic fabrics: their efficiency in keeping your skin dry while you are making a physical effort. The synthetic clothing acts as a barrier between your skin and the sweat unleashed during exercising, so always choose the appropriate outfit.

Wear natural fabrics clothing

If synthetic fabrics are recommended for exercising, natural fabrics like cotton or silk are the best choice for your day by day outfits, because they leave enough air to get to your skin. Natural fabrics help you keep your body temperature at the optimal level and avoid the increase of the sweat quantity to be unleashed on the surface of your skin.

Remove any excessive sweat right away

Did you just finish your gym hour? Take a shower and change your clothes. It doesn’t matter if you are exercising at home or at the fitness club around the corner. Hanging around in your fitness outfit soaked with sweat is an aggression on your skin.

Use gentle antiperspirants and soaps

There are many products available on the market, and you should make a habit of reading labels. If you have already been dealing with dermatological problems, make sure you choose allergens-free products, less aggressive for your skin. Replace a regular soap with a baby soap, if you have sensitive skin.

Choose your beauty and makeup products carefully

Women are more prone to falling into the trap of the body lotions, face creams or makeup products that contain allergens or other noxious ingredients for their skin. But men are not exempted either from paying attention to the products they use on their face, like after-shaves. Any product that comes in contact with your skin has the potential of spoiling its balance and make it vulnerable in front of disorders like heat rash. That’s why, you need to know the type of skin you have, make tests and take into account a dermatologist’s advice when choosing your everyday skin products.

Don’t overdress


It’s an all-seasons advice because we tend to overdress especially in the cold season. Heat rash explodes mostly during summer, but you may be dealing with it in winter too if you cover yourself with four blankets during the night or you sleep dressed with a few layers of clothes. In winter, just like during the summer, you have to wear clothes that leave your skin intake the the minimum of air it needs to fulfill its functions correctly.

Don’t wear tight clothes and tight accessories

By wearing tight clothing, you practically suffocate your skin and force the glands to become plugged with sweat.

Follow a diet, if you know yourself allergic

Any allergy is a minus when it comes to skin disorders. Try to avoid foods that trigger your allergies, because, in combination with heat and the sun, they may lead to serious complications not only for your skin, for your overall health.


Drinking water makes part of the set of measures that help you keep your body temperature low enough to avoid the heat rash. During the warm season, with extreme temperatures, it’s the more important to avoid getting dehydrated, by drinking at least 2-3 l of water per day.

Prepare your skin for climate changes.

If you are traveling to regions with hot, humid weather, you have to take all the measures to avoid the eruption of heat rash. Keep in mind that it is very likely for your skin to react to the climate change, especially if you are not accustomed to high temperatures.

What’s the best heat rash treatment for you?

When it comes to heat rash, we may say that the best treatment is prevention.

Staying in a cool environment, reducing the level of physical effort done outdoors, wearing adequate clothing, protecting your skin against the sun, drinking water, all these are just a few common sense measures that anyone should take when it’s hot outside.

If you have mistakenly ignored the heat and find yourself one day with blisters on your skin and itching or burning sensations, take yourself the first steps in soothing your symptoms by cooling down your body temperature and cleaning the affected surface of your skin. You can apply some ointments or natural remedies, but don’t hesitate to consult a doctor if the problem persists for more than a few days.

Getting medical help is the quickest way to learn which are best heat rash remedies for you, depending on the severity of the symptoms. If your doctor notices infection symptoms, you will most likely have to follow a treatment based on antibiotics. No matter what type of heat rash you are dealing with, remember that it is a temporary problem, with high chances of being cured without leaving traces. Thus, an episode of heat rash overcome successfully is a lesson learned on how to protect your skin from the cruel summer, in the future.


retrieved 5 July 2017