Best medicines for sore throat

According to the Oxford Textbook of Primary Medical Care around 7.5% of people experience a sore throat at least once every three months.

A sore throat is a painful irritation of your throat. Inflammation, irritability, and itchiness are usually the first things you experience when your throat is infected. The burning sensation associated with this medical condition is the first symptom of a cold. You are in danger of becoming seriously ill if you do not ask your doctor in time for the best remedies for a sore throat.

Woman taking sore throat medicine

For people with a healthy metabolism, a sore throat can pass in a couple of days without the need for a doctor’s appointment. However, if the irritating pain continues, it is best to seek medical advice or at least use a homeopathic remedy. Without the proper medicine, you will soon have trouble swallowing food or beverages, and the bacteria can spread to other parts of your body.

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Causes
  3. Symptoms
  4. Common remedies
  5. Side effects of sore throat medication
  6. Medication pricing overview
  7. Natural treatments
  8. Homemade remedies
  9. Homeopathic approach
  10. Best remedy for you

What is a sore throat

Sore throats may manifest differently from one individual to another. The common signs of suffering from this minor illness may also include fever, coughing, sneezing and a runny nose. If you feel a slight irritation around your eyes and you have trouble breathing through your nose, it means that the bacteria have already infected other sinuses.

A quick way to cure your sore throat is to act upon it from the very first signs of tenderness in your throat. A few rapid, homemade remedies include saltwater gargles, drinking peppermint beverages or chamomile tea with honey. Another useful method of treating a sore throat in its early stages is to place a humidifier in your bedroom overnight. If these homeopathic cures don’t stop the soreness from expanding, your best choice of treatment is a clinically tested medicine.

What are the causes

A sore throat may be the result of a single infection or a combination of inflicting factors. Depending on the symptoms you experience and the severity of your condition, you can treat this ailment at home or by following a doctor’s advice.

Why your throat gets sore and itchy

Here are the main reasons why you develop a throat inflammation:

  • Viral infections
  • Mononucleosis
  • Chickenpox
  • Measles
  • Bacteria
  • Breathing Habits
  • Allergies
  • GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease)
  • HIV infections

The common causes of a sore throat may be bacteria-related or from the habit of breathing through your mouth rather than your nose. People who struggle with sinusitis or polyp infections experience the latter issue during the cold season.

Viruses that trigger common colds or influenza are usually the main catalysts for sore throats, as well. In severe cases, viral infections can be the result of more serious conditions like mononucleosis, chickenpox or measles. These illnesses provoke painful irritation of the throat and the jaw. The same can happen for children who develop croup – a childhood ailment accompanied by high fever and a barking cough.

Strep throat is another form of bacteria-related throat inflammation. This medical condition occurs when your throat gets infected by Streptococcus pyrogens, a type of pathogenic bacteria that is easily transmittable through air or contact with the carrier’s mucus.

Some rare causes for a sore throat are directly related to your environment. An allergy to mold, dust or pollen can lead to the inflammation of your throat. Also, if the air in your room is excessively dry, you can develop an itchy throat and irritated sinuses.

People who suffer from GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease) may suffer from a sore throat due to a large quantity of acid rising from the stomach and passing the esophagus. Doctors also associate severe hoarseness with this condition. The most extreme cases of a sore throat are the cause of HIV infections and cancerous tumors that overtake the mouth or the neck area.

How does it manifest

Sore throat manifestations

If you are suffering from a sore throat, you will experience an inflammation of the glands in your neck and jaw. These symptoms are accompanied by difficulties in breathing, swallowing or talking in a normal voice. If the infection advances, you may develop white and red spots on your tonsils, which signal the need of antibiotic treatment urgently.

In extreme cases of a sore throat, you may also struggle with constant drooling, earaches, blood in saliva and a worsening hoarse voice. Some patients have even lost their voice for periods lasting between four days and two weeks.

For most adults, a sore throat can pass in a couple of days if they use the right remedies. However, if your children are struggling with this condition, you should seek medical advice. A visit to the doctor is imperative if your child has visible trouble in breathing or swallowing its saliva. The same goes for extreme cases where your child develops a fever higher than 101°F (38.3°C).

Most common remedies

Like most mild illnesses, you can treat sore throats with a variety of methods that include allopathic remedies, homeopathic treatments, clinically tested drugs and alternative medicine. You can apply each of these remedial solutions according to the severity of your condition. Also, you have to take into account your medical history and the allergy factor. Last, but not least, if your child is suffering from a sore throat, you should treat it with medicine that is harmless for children.

Quick action cures for sore throats

A quick relief against sore throats includes a combination of natural remedies and medicinal drugs. If a viral infection has caused your inflammation, you can get rid of the tenderness in your throat in less than a week. Daily consumption of chamomile tea, honey, and peppermint tea will soothe the pain. In addition to these home-made cures, you can also take benzocaine-based medicine like Chloraseptic or Cepacol.

Unless you experience fever and unbearable pain, you do not need to take medicine to cure a sore throat. Most throat irritations pass in less than five days. If you notice symptoms of an aggravating condition, you can use anti-inflammatory drugs based on acetaminophens, like Tylenol or Actin. Acetaminophen is a proven fever reducer, and doctors recommend it for both adults and children. Some people are allergic to this substance, and it is best to avoid it if you are in the same situation.

Medical drugs for long-term use

Ibuprofen is a common drug used to treat sore throats. Medicines like Advil and Motrin are known to reduce inflammations in a gradual manner over the course of a few days. Because some people have experienced allergic reactions to ibuprofen, doctors recommend that you only take the dose that you would usually use to cure a minor cold. Most of the drugs that contain this substance have been developed to treat severe flu, and they can have adverse effects if the proper dosage is not applied.

Antibiotics should be used only in extreme throat irritations. A doctor usually prescribes this type of treatment after extensive medical tests. Physicians recommend that you continue to take the full number of antibiotic pills even after the symptoms have disappeared. This practice will ensure that your throat tissue goes through a full curative cycle and that the infection does not make an unexpected comeback.

Sore throat treatments for children

Treatment for kids

Sore throats remedies for children are slightly different from the ones developed for adults. The ideal solution to treat a kid’s throat inflammation is a medication based on acetaminophen or small doses of ibuprofen. The most important thing to remember is that you should never give ADULT aspirin to minors under 16 years old. Although aspirin is perfectly safe to take by grown-ups, this drug has the potential to trigger fatal brain injuries for children and teenagers.

The best medicine for a sore throat that you can give to your child is an over-the-counter pain reliever. Some of the most common remedies are specially lowered doses of conventional drugs for adults and include Motrin Infant, Cepacol Fizzlers, and Tylenol for children, among others. Most of these drugs come in bright, attractive forms like Chloraseptic‘s lollipops, and with fruity flavors, which makes them more appealing to kids and toddlers.

Alternative medicine

Some people avoid taking current medication for a sore throat and rely on natural products of alternative medicine to cure their infections. If this is your choice as well, you should try remedies composed of slippery elm, licorice root, honeysuckle flower and marshmallow root. These cures come in the form of sprays, lozenges or powdered teas.

A sore throat is not a potentially fatal illness, and you can treat it quickly if you take proper action before it exacerbates. You may use alternative medicine with high efficiency up to a certain point. If you notice that your condition does not improve after 5-7 days, we recommend that you see a doctor who can assess your situation, diagnose it and prescribe the right medication for it.

Allopathic remedies

Allopathic medicine aims to cure illnesses with medication that causes opposite reactions to those produced by the ailment. The vast majority of doctors and physicians use this practice. When it comes to sore throats, an allopathic remedy would be any favorite brand of pain relievers available on the market, whether they are over the counter medicine or not.

The pharmaceutical industry has developed a wide range of allopathic remedies for sore throats. Most of these drugs are based on ibuprofen or acetaminophen and provide a quick and soothing relief for throat irritations. Consumers can choose from several packaging options like pills, sprays, syrups and balms. Doctors usually recommend this type of medicine before prescribing stronger treatments that contain antibiotics.

Over the counter drugs for throat tenderness

Over the counter medicine for sore throats is the most accessible treatment for regular consumers. Even if you do not need a doctor’s prescription to purchase these drugs, it is important that you know what to take and that you check the product’s label for adverse side effects.

Over the counter, cures for throat irritations may come in the form of tablets, hard candies, sprays, and lotions. Their anti-inflammatory effect is based on acetaminophen, and they can treat viral infections or cold-related sore throats in just a few days. You can stop taking them as soon as you notice the symptoms disappear and you no longer experience troubles when swallowing or breathing normally.

Prescription medicine for sore throats

Doctor prescribed drugs for cold

Prescription medicine for sore throats is only available for purchase with a release note from your doctor or a physician. Pharmacies are not allowed to sell these products without medical approval. Usually, these drugs contain antibiotics and they are only recommended by the doctor when your throat condition is extreme and highly contagious.

The most common ingredients contained by prescription remedies for sore throats are amoxicillin or penicillin. These drugs can only cure bacteria-related throat irritations and will have little to no effect on viral infections. In most cases, the medicine stops bacteria from spreading or being contagious after only 24 hours of antibiotic intake. Nevertheless, doctors recommend that you continue the treatment until you take all the pills prescribed.


The best way to treat a sore throat with allopathic medicine is to take pills or lozenges with the highest percentage of acetaminophen. The curing chemicals contained in these tablets have a rapid rate of dissolution and reach the bloodstream in just a few minutes after you take them. Doctors recommend that you drink plenty of liquids when taking this medicine to maintain moisture in your throat.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen and naproxen come in pill form as well. Just like the medicine based on acetaminophen, NSAIDs treat cold symptoms like a runny nose and intense coughing, aside from throat inflammations. Ibuprofen is not suitable for children under six months. Read the instructions on the label before taking this type of pills and consult with your doctor if you have other medical problems.


Sprays have a practical curing effect for sore throats. The main advantage of using sprays is their local action, which provides quick relief for the burning sensation associated with throat irritations. The downside to this type of treatment is that its soothing effect is only temporary and you need multiple, repetitive applications to ensure its continuous remedial action.

Although sprays are not considered the best medicine for a sore throat, this type of medication is a good method to numb the pain and allow you to concentrate on your daily tasks. We recommend that you check with your medical care provider before choosing the right spray for your throat inflammation. Also, you should combine it with other forms of sore throat medication like lozenges or syrups to magnify its curing effect.

Liquids and syrups

Liquids, balms and syrups for sore throat

When you suffer from a sore throat, you should consume as many fluids as possible. To get rid of the burning sensation and the redness in your throat you must keep the infected tissue in a constant state of moisture. Sometimes, warm soups and teas are not enough, so you will need to take a liquid medicine with acetaminophen or ibuprofen in its composition. Syrups, lotions, and balms are the most common forms of such medication.

The best sore throat syrup will alleviate the pain in a matter of seconds. Doctors recommend that you take liquid medicine before meals to ease swallowing and increase appetite. Unfortunately, just applying a balm to your infected throat tissue will not cure your condition. This result is the reason why you should try to pair it with another over the counter drug in the form of pills or hard candy.

Cough syrup is not the most efficient way to treat a sore throat. Most cough syrups are developed to address cold symptoms and lack the necessary amounts of acetaminophen or ibuprofen, which have a direct influence on throat inflammations. Nevertheless, a cough syrup may cure voice hoarseness and other oral difficulties that are among other sore throat symptoms.

Medication for people with allergies

Allergies can sometimes cause sore throats. Some people experience throat inflammations when they come in contact with allergens like pollen, dust or animal hair. In this case, you need a sore throat medication that contains antihistamines. Over the counter drugs like Optivar and Clarinex can relief a scratchy throat and reduce the effects produced by the allergy.

Some people suffer from mild allergies, and they rarely notice them because the effects are hard to see or they have already become accustomed to them. Before purchasing any sore throat medication, it is a good idea to consult your doctor or a pharmacist. Make sure that you communicate other medical issues, allergies or infections that you might have. This practice ensures that you will purchase the best medicine for a sore throat without suffering any side effects.

Side effects of sore throat medication

The use of conventional drugs to treat various illnesses implies the intake of a significant number of chemical substances. Fortunately, the human body has a quick rate of adaptability, and it can assimilate many non-organic compounds without too much trouble. Still, some medicine may still affect you, even if you take it for a minor ailment like a sore throat. It is crucial that you are aware of your medical history and chemical predisposition before taking any remedy for throat inflammations. Here are some of the side effects that you could experience if your body has an adverse reaction to sore throat treatments:

  • Dry mouth
  • Skin rashes
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Sleepiness
  • Bellyaches
  • Vomiting
  • Heart attacks

Sore throats are characterized by an inflamed tissue and a constant burning sensation. To alleviate these symptoms, you have to avoid dehydration and a dry mouth. Still, some drugs (Tylenol, Cepacol) that cure throat irritations eliminate the much-needed moisture in your mouth and throat. To combat this adverse effect, you should consume as many liquids as possible during treatment.

When a sore throat is the side effect of an allergy, you can treat it by taking an anti-allergen medication rich in antihistamines and anti-inflammatory compounds. However, sometimes the reactions are reversed, and even the best medication for sore throats can produce allergic reactions like skin rashes. In this case, the best thing to do is to identify the chemical substance in the drug that causes the rash and swap the treatment for a remedy that does not include it. You can consult a pharmacist or a doctor to help you in this endeavor.

Dizziness, headaches and sleepiness can sometimes be the negative consequences of sore throat medication. If you are experiencing these symptoms, it is better to lower the dosage of over the counter medicine you are currently taking. If you are under prescribed medication treatment, you should immediately communicate your reactions to the doctor and ask for a new remedy.

The rarest side effects of sore throat medication are belly aches and vomiting. These extreme reactions are usually symptoms that you are suffering from another medical issue, which you are most probably not aware of yet. Contact a doctor immediately and stop taking the current treatment if you are experiencing these adverse effects.

The overuse of ibuprofen-based medication has been proven to lead to strokes and heart attacks. Therefore, you should only take sore throat medicine based on this substance for a limited period. If possible, you should opt for acetaminophen remedies instead.

General pricing for sore throat medicines

Medication price

There is an abundance of sore throat medicines on the market at the moment. Whether you are looking for over the counter remedies or prescribed treatments, you are surely looking for the best cures for sore throats out there. Still, it is a good strategy to compare prices of throat inflammation drugs before purchasing one. Most of the time, the one that suits you better is not necessarily the most expensive one and the one with the quickest effect is not the best-known brand. Here is a short guide to sore throat medicine, prices:

Acetaminophen cures for throat irritations

Acetaminophen is a pain reliever that treats mild colds, fever and internal inflammations. When purchasing drugs that contain this compound, doctors recommend that you choose aspirin-free lozenges or sprays. Some of the most common medicines for a sore throat with acetaminophen include:

  • Advil Pain Reliever / Fever Reducer Coated Tablet 200mg – $14.43
  • Tylenol Extra Strength Pain Reliever & Fever Reducer Caplets 500mg – $13.28
  • Equate – Acetaminophen 500 mg, Pain Reliever 500mg – $10.49
  • Cepacol Sore Throat Extra Strength, Honey Lemon 16 lozenges- $10.15
  • GoodSense Acetaminophen Extra Strength, Pain Reliever/Fever Reducer Caplets 500mg- $9.19
  • Chloraseptic Sore Throat Spray, Cherry, 6 Ounce – $5.40

Ibuprofen drugs for sore throats

You can purchase ibuprofen drugs similar to acetaminophen medicines – without the need of a doctor’s prescription. Ibuprofen has a full action over many ailments that include dental pain, sore throats, headaches, fever and rheumatoid issues. Doctors recommend that people who suffer from heart conditions or high blood pressure should not take this type of medication. Some of the most common medicines for a sore throat with ibuprofen include:

  • Chloraseptic Max Strength Lozenges, Wild Berries, 15-Count – $12.46
  • Motrin IB Pain Reliever Fever Reducer (NSAID) Ibuprofen Tablets- $9.31
  • Advil Pain Reliever/Fever Reducer, 200mg – $7.97

Kid-friendly sore throat medicine

Doctors recommend that you should avoid giving children who suffer from a sore throat any drug that has been developed for adults. Inappropriate medication can lead to other medical issues, and it can impact the natural growth of a child. Always opt for throat inflammation remedies that have been specially created for minors and toddlers. Some of the most common medicines for a sore throat created just for children include:

  • Comfort Soothie All-Natural Lollipop, With Chamomile, Lemon and Honey – $19.99
  • Infants’ Tylenol Oral Suspension, 2 Oz – $8.77
  • Advil Infants’ Fever Reducer/Pain Reliever Dye-Free, 50mg Ibuprofen Drops – $7.12
  • Little Remedies Infant Acetaminophen Fever/Pain Reliever, Infants 2-3 years, 2 Oz – $6.65
  • Motrin Concentrated Infants’ Drops Dye-Free Oral Suspension Fluid Ounce – $6.33
  • Equate Infants’ Ibuprofen .5oz Compare to Motrin Concentrated Infants’ Drops – $4.99

Most effective natural remedies

Tea, honey, lemon for cold

When your sore throat is not caused by a severe viral infection or bacteria, you can choose to treat it naturally. Before modern medicine developed its broad selection of treatments that we know today, people would treat throat inflammations by using natural ingredients. In fact, these organic elements have constituted the base of current pharmaceutical medication once their remedial action was discovered.

Some societies around the world still use natural medicine to treat sore throats. There are various advantages and downsides to this practice, and they all depend on the patient’s health and patience to recover.


  • Organic assimilation
  • Chemically-free treatment
  • Improved immune system


  • Lengthy curing period
  • Lack of efficiency against dominant bacteria

The main benefit of treating your sore throat with natural ingredients is the easy way your body assimilates and absorbs the organic compounds. Contrary to chemically-infused drugs, a remedy based on natural elements alone will reach the bloodstream and the affected tissue without the need to pass liver processing first. The long-term effect of curing throat inflammations with natural products is that your immune system will improve and your metabolism will resist better to future viral attacks and infections.

The downside to preferring natural cures over modern medicine is the considerable length of treatment. With most over the counter drugs, your sore throat will pass in a couple of days. By using natural remedies, you will likely get rid of your infection in at least five days, and if your condition aggravates, it could take as much as two weeks to overcome it. Another disadvantage to natural therapy is that all organic cures lack the necessary antibiotic to fight off powerful bacteria. In case your sore throat condition worsens after multiple days of natural treatment, it is best to switch to a regular medication prescribed by the doctor.

How to treat throat inflammations naturally

There are many natural elements that you can use to treat a sore throat without the use of medication. You can purchase most of them at the farmer’s market, and they have a considerably smaller price than pharmaceutical drugs. More than that, by combining natural ingredients into home-made remedies for inflammations, you have the chance to learn more about traditional medicine and its use. Here are some of the most efficient natural products that cure sore throats and irritations:


Honey is well-known for its curative properties. Bees collect pollen from a variety of flowers and plants to create one of the most nutritious foods that you can consume, even when you don’t have a health problem. Ancient people used it as a natural wound healer and overtime its remedial action for throat inflammations and coughs has become common knowledge. You can eat honey straight from the jar or mix it with tea and other warm beverages.


Chamomile is a plant commonly used for herbal teas, plant infusions and other medicinal purposes. Its use in modern medicine varies from treating ulcers and menstrual disorders to muscle spasms and insomnia. The calming effect of chamomile comes to great use against sore throats by relieving the burning sensation and temporarily soothing the wound. You can quickly prepare chamomile tea at home and serve it warm just before going to bed. This practice will ensure that you have a goodnight’s rest and avoid too many wake-sleep episodes with frequent coughing.

Peppermint Oil

Peppermint has been used since ancient times as a breath freshener. In more concentrated forms, such as peppermint oil, this plant provides a soothing effect for a sore throat. The remedial action of peppermint oil is a result of the high quantity of menthol, which dilutes phlegm and cures coughs. To consume this substance, you have to mix it with olive oil or coconut oil. These fluids are known as conductive oils and guide the essential peppermint oil to proper absorption by the body.


Fenugreek is one of the best natural remedies for a sore throat. You can consume each part of the plant or derived oils to cure your throat inflammation. Fenugreek has a strong anti-inflammatory effect and can kill a large number of bacteria.


Ginger is an ideal natural cure for a sore throat. This plant suppresses a cough and improves breathing. Its anti-bacterial properties help you heal faster from colds, influenza or throat inflammations. You can consume it in lemonades, teas and boiled in water. Upon drinking ginger, you will notice a significant increase of sweat coming out of your body. Abnormal sweating is a good sign of you eliminating the toxins and bacteria that generated the first ailment.

Marshmallow Root

The power of marshmallow root against throat infections has only been discovered recently. Its primary remedial action consists of coating the itchy wound with a honey-like layer and calming the burning sensation. You can boil marshmallow root in water and drink it on a daily basis until the symptoms disappear. People who struggle with diabetes should avoid marshmallow root because it has the potential to lower the blood sugar level.

Licorice Root

Licorice root has similar properties to the marshmallow root. If you drink the water in which this root has boiled, you get instant relief from pain and coughing episodes decrease. Pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers should avoid the consumption of licorice root as it may harm the child’s normal brain development.

Slippery Elm

Slippery Elm is a newcomer in the circle of sore throat remedies. To benefit from its pain-relieving action, you have to boil this plant until the water becomes a smooth, yet drinkable gel. Drink the resulting potion a few times per day to ensure a steady improvement in your throat inflammation.


Garlic is a common ingredient in numerous dishes around the world. Besides its powerful scent, garlic is also used in popular medicine because of the anti-bacterial properties that it possesses. When you feel under the weather, you can consume garlic to avoid a severe cold or even influenza. If you suffer from a sore throat, you should suck on a garlic clove for as long as you can. It is preferable that you perform this trick in the evening allow your oral enzymes to overcome the garlic fragrance until next morning.

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne Pepper powder is an ideal cure for sore throats. Due to the high levels of capsaicin, this ingredient can relief the pain caused by a throat inflammation. Capsaicin is a natural substance that blocks pain receptors and calms coughs. You can consume it in a sauce or mixed with warm water. People with an unstable heart condition or with open sores in their mouth should avoid this remedy.

Homemade remedies for a sore throat

You can cure sore throats with homemade solutions, provided that your infection is in an initial stage and you have not developed severe symptoms like nausea, fever, and vomiting. Most of the homemade tricks against throat inflammations have their origins in traditional medicine. Mix general knowledge with a few chemistry notions, and you obtain reliable and efficient treatments for throat tenderness. Here are some of the most common cures that you can prepare in your kitchen:

Salt Water

Water and salt

This solution is probably the handiest and easiest one for most people. All you need to do to calm the pains of a sore throat is to mix salt with warm water and gargle it repetitively, at least three times per day. A half-teaspoon of salt is enough to remove the phlegm gathered in your throat and to kill some of the damaging bacteria located there.

Baking Soda

The baking soda gargle is an improved version of the salt water swish. You need to add only a quarter of a teaspoon of baking soda to the previous mix and repeat the same practice once every three hours. The anti-inflammatory properties of baking soda ease the process of healing and offer a calming relief from the burning sensation.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar

One of the main issues produced by a sore throat is the abnormal quantity of mucus that forms around your throat and prevents you from swallowing properly. You can find a solution to this problem in the antimicrobial properties of the apple cider vinegar. Start by diluting one tablespoon of this vinegar into one cup of warm water and gargle it. Repeat the process once every few hours. As the condition progresses, you can increase the dosage and add extra tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to your daily swish.

Other homemade tricks that you can use to treat a sore throat include:

  • Eating ice cream – Sometimes fighting fire with fire seems to be the only solution. The cooling effect of ice cream can soothe the pain and cover the burning sensation.
  • Eating spicy food – If you like spicy, hot food, you can find a right pain reliever for your sore throat in your favorite dishes. Add Tabasco, cayenne pepper, curry powder and garlic powder to your sauces, soups and other recipes to increase the curing effect of capsaicin.
  • Using a humidifier – Place a humidifier in your room to maintain a humid atmosphere at all times. This practice will prevent you from inhaling dry air, which would have a worsening effect for your wound.
  • Maintain hydration – Drink warm liquids continuously to prevent your sore throat from getting dry and your voice from becoming hoarse.
  • Avoid smoking – Even if you are an avid smoker, you should quit smoking while you are suffering from a sore throat. Tobacco has an adverse effect for throat inflammations, and it will only increase your coughing episodes while lengthening the curing process at the same time.
  • Rest properly – Try sleeping more than you usually do. Resting will give you more time to recover and your vocal chords a much-needed time out.

Easy recipes to cure a scratchy throat

Being ill is probably not the ideal time to spend in the kitchen. However, when you are suffering from an itching sore throat, the kitchen is likely to be the place that offers more pain-relievers than a doctor’s office. The following recipes provide a soothing relief, improve your mood and raise your spirit:

Hot Egg Drop Soup

Hot soup

The egg drop soup is simple to make, and it will only take 5-10 minutes of your spare time. Its main benefits for an ailing sore throat are:

  • It fights throat-damaging bacteria
  • It contains capsaicin
  • It calms cold-like symptoms

Ingredients (1 serving)

  • One cup of chicken broth
  • One egg, beaten
  • ½ teaspoon of soy sauce
  • ½ teaspoon of sesame oil
  • ¼ teaspoon of hot sauce
  • One teaspoon of fresh parsley, chopped
  • Salt and pepper, to taste


  1. Heat the sesame oil in a small skillet over medium heat.
  2. Add the soy sauce, the hot sauce, and the chicken broth.
  3. Mix thoroughly and bring everything to a boil.
  4. Season with salt and pepper
  5. Gently pour the beaten egg into the soup and mix well until the egg is cooked.
  6. Remove from the heat and sprinkle some parsley over the soup before serving it.

Chicken Ginger Soup

Whether you are suffering from a common cold or a minor sore throat, you can find a soothing remedy in a hot bowl of Chicken Ginger Soup. This dish is ideal for the cold days of winter. Its main benefits are:

  • Cures inflammations
  • Helps you sweat out toxins
  • Improves immunity

Ingredients (2 servings)

  • 2 cups of coconut milk
  • 2 cups of water
  • One chicken breast, skinned and diced
  • Two tablespoons of ginger root, minced
  • One tablespoon of lemon juice
  • ½ cup of chives, chopped
  • ½ cup of parsley, chopped
  • Salt and pepper, to taste


  1. Pour the coconut milk and the water in a medium-sized pot over medium heat. Bring it to a boil.
  2. Add the diced of chicken breast and cook for 10-12 minutes.
  3. Add the ginger and the lemon juice.
  4. Season everything with salt and pepper, and cook for another 3-5 minutes on low heat.
  5. Remove from the heat and stir in the parsley and the chives. Serve warm!

Homemade Ice Cream

Sore throats do not always occur in winter. You can suffer from an itching throat inflammation in the hottest days of summer. A warm soup does not sound too appealing when there are 100 degrees F outside, so the recipe for a homemade ice cream is more than welcome. Here are its main benefits:

  • Soothes the pain
  • Covers the burning sensation
  • A cool relief from fever
  • Improves your mood

Ingredients (2 servings)

  • One cup of heavy whipping cream
  • One cup of sugar
  • 3 cups of milk
  • One teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • Two tablespoons of honey
  • Peppermint leaves


  1. Pour the milk into a saucepan over medium heat. Add the cream and the sugar and mix until the sugar is dissolved. Only warm the mix, without boiling it.
  2. Transfer the mix to a bowl and add the vanilla extract. Mix thoroughly and chill in the freezer for at least two hours.
  3. Pour the composition into an ice cream machine and mix for 20 minutes.
  4. Remove from the device and serve immediately with a honey topping and sprinkled peppermint leaves.
  5. Store the remaining ice cream in your freezer.

The homeopathic approach

Homeopathy is a form of alternative medicine that advocates the use of remedies with similar symptoms to the illness to cure the patient. Homeopathic medicine has made considerable progress in treating numerous diseases, and sore throat is one ailment that can be cured in this manner.

Homeopathic treatments vs. natural remedies

The main difference between physical and homeopathic treatments for a sore throat is in the ingredients used to combat this illness. The first rely only on organic ingredients with little processing, while the latter use herbal extracts from plants lesser-known to modern medicine or modern drugs.

Another aspect that differentiates natural methods of curing a sore throat of homeopathic medicine is the long-term effect. While natural ingredients offer a quick solution for the problem and they increase immunity, they cannot prevent the viral infections from resurging. Homeopathic remedies take inflammations “by the throat” and attack the root of the problem directly. A constant homeopathic treatment has a better chance of keeping viruses and bacteria at bay.

Homeopathic remedies

The most common treatments for throat inflammations are Belladonna, Mercurius solubilis, and Hepar Sulphur. These herbal-based products are proven to alleviate the pain produced by throat tenderness and reduce mild fever. You can cure your infection with teas, balms, and pills that contain extracts from these plants.


This homeopathic medicine is composed of herbal extracts from plants like Belladonna, Apis, Echinacea purpurea and Salvia officinalis. Belladonna is commonly used in two forms: tablets and syrup. Both versions of this product have anti-bacterial properties and treat well-known symptoms of a sore throat: itchiness, burning sensation, and fever.

Mercurius solubilis

This product is based on soluble mercury, and it aims to cure severe throat illnesses that have gotten out of hand. If your throat is swollen, you experience night sweats frequently, and you have nearly lost your voice, Mercurius solubilis can help you solve the problem. All you need is just a few drops of this solution placed under your tongue, twice per day. Mercurius solubilis is a reliable cure for tonsillitis, swollen gums, and high fever as well.

Hepar Sulphur

Hepar Sulphur has a strong remedial action against sore throat side effects like voice hoarseness and harsh cough. This solution for throat inflammations is based on a combination of Sulphur, sucrose, and lactose. Homeopathic physicians recommended Hepar Sulphur mainly to adults due to its powerful anti-bacterial composition, which might damage the underdeveloped intestinal flora that children possess.

Other homeopathic cures for a sore throat include:

  • Lachesis – it helps with the initial symptoms like heavy breathing and painful swallowing.
  • Ignatia – it cures the dry, hacking cough associated with throat inflammations.
  • Byronia – it soothes throat tenderness.
  • Drosera – it maintains your throat moist.
  • Phytolacca – it reduces the quantity of phlegm in your throat.
  • Kali Muriaticum – it treats sore throats caused by GERDs.
  • Kali Bichromium – it treats swollen tonsils.
  • Guaiacum – it gets rid of the burning sensation due to its capsaicin-based composition
  • Cantharis – it eases swallowing and restores normal breathing
  • Nux Vomica – it cures the hoarseness produced by tobacco smoke
  • Baryta Carbonicum – ideal for children who suffer from throat irritations.

Why use homeopathic solutions

Without proper treatment, a sore throat can quickly evolve into tonsillitis or other severe medical conditions. The main reason why you should consider homeopathic remedies for throat inflammations ahead of other forms of medicine is the rapid and robust action of these cures.

Homeopathic products for a sore throat are well-developed compositions of natural extracts and chemical elements that are rarely available in new pharmacies. You can find the products listed above in homeopathic drugstores or on the internet. If you are keen to try homeopathic remedies, you should first consult your doctor or a specialist in this industry.

The best remedy for YOUR sore throat

Custom treatment

Most people experience a sore throat at least once every year. This medical condition makes everyday actions like breathing, swallowing food or drinking almost unbearable. While for most people the illness passes in less than a week, the time of recovery varies from one person to another. Also, the treatment period is directly influenced by the type of medicine you decide to use.

Certain factors determine the complete healing of your sore throat, and you can identify them as your medical history, allergies or other current medical issues. Depending on these factors you can create your sore throat treatment based only on allopathic drugs, or a combination of natural remedies and homeopathic solutions. Regardless of your final choice, it is important that you understand the nature of every medicine you take and its possible side effects.

There is no such thing as a universal best medicine for a sore throat.


Some people solve their problem in just two days with allopathic medicine, while others take the same drugs only to see their tonsils increasing in size with every passing day. This aspect is the reason why doctors recommend a medical exam to determine which type of medicine suits your throat inflammation better.

This article is purely informational, and it does not stand in place for licensed medical advice. We strongly recommend that you visit a doctor as soon as your sore throat condition exacerbates and before using the information that we offer you for free.